Grassroots Protection of the State Wide Voter Rolls
We The People
Trust, But Verify.
With millions of registrants state wide, it is daunting task just to verify one instance of the voter rolls.
Even when states offer free and transparent access to the voter rolls, finding issues at that scale can be a challenge.
The People’s Audit has developed a methology that not only quickly analyzes millions of registrants, but also only uses trusted open sources.
Some claim to use 3rd Party List data to verify people’s identies, but then you are in a debate to the validity and recency of your data.
The People’s Audit methology is simple. For states that encourge mail-in ballots, we expect the mailing address to be correct. And we check monthly snapshot of the offical data to watch for suspcious changes.
Location, Location, Location
Although it may be complicated to verify registrant’s indenties, the addresess can be monitored easily for suspicious activties.
For example, we found:
- Over 120 voters registered to a typical 3 bedroom home.
- Over 4,000 voters were found registred to a marina, averaging 45 voters per boat slip.
- Nearly 10,000 registered in a government building as their residence with RV Parks and mailing forwarding services used for their mailing address.
- Hundreds of voters being stuffed into Nursing Homes, Rehab Centers and Mental Instutions.
Addresses are ALL publically verifiable with open standards provided by the US Post Office.

The 80/20 Rule
Not all County Officials are failing. Some should be commended for their dilgence in keeping ahead of larger counties per capita.
So our monthly reports not only count issues across the state but also rank them based on volume.
As you watch various reports rank the counties, it becomes very clear which counties are causing the majorities of issues for the state.
This helps you priortize your efforts. Because these large volume issues are what will sway a Governor, Senator or Presidential race.
One report that resulted from our address verification process is counting registrants that have no good address on file per the US Post Office Standards.
The US Post Office will identify an address as “UAA” or “Undeliverable As Addressed” which clearly states the address is unreachable.
These checks are availble online and would save offices millions in wasted printing and postage cost if used. Currently many officials only report address issues when mail is returned back to the office via the Post Office.

What Are Experts Saying?
“The People’s Audit is the most simple, proven means of identifying real change in voter rolls and forcing accountability on all elections officials. Integrity of the voter roll is the foundation of trustworthy elections, and Kris Jurski’s model is the best in the field.”
“Kris Jurski has given up four years of his life to address the voter roll issues in key states in his efforts to prevent a stolen election in 2024. He’s developed an excellent system for identifying voter roll issues which is now in use in an increasing number of states. “
“Kris Jurski and “The People’s Audit” have been leaders in exposing massive corruption concerning computer manipulation of our voter rolls.
But Jurski’s work doesn’t stop there. His technology background has provided him with tools to clean up defective processes, identify fraudulent information associated with the voter rolls, and the ability restore a degree of confidence in a broken system. I have worked with the nation’s top experts across the country, and I count Kris Jurski and “The People’s Audit” among the best of the best in the field of election integrity.”
The State derives its just powers only from the consent of the governed
Thomas Jefferson
We The People