We found a shocking development with the Florida Vote-by-Mail system that needs immediate attention.
We have candidates doing postcard reminders to the people who have requested to vote by mail.
Problem is those reminders are bouncing back as Return to Sender. Although by some magic, the Supervior of Elections is getting completed ballots from these same voters.
How can this be?
This is serious issue where you have a Ballot Request from a voter in the current voter rolls and they are mailing back an authentic. But if you were to go to their address, they are no longer there.
If candidate cards are coming back as bad addresses (the Post Office cannot deliver then b/c the voter doesn’t live at that address), but ballots are not returned to sender (as the law would require); then the Postal Service is delivering these ballots SOMEWHERE. There needs to be an investigation into what the Postal Service is doing. Perhaps the voting irregularities in the 2020 election was an electronic coding hack in the software used by the Post Office, and maybe it routes the bad addressed mail to a warehouse somewhere??? Just speculating.
You may be correct, but we need someone with some knowledge of it to come forward. I was told that when the envelope is labeled as “Return Service Requested” you can specify where that envelope needs to be returned. You would think it should be the supervisor of elections, but I just heard from one insider that they saw thousands of returned ballots sitting at one supervisor’s office and they were not marking them as undeliverable in the Ballot Request Report. So we need some answers on this because we keep seeing bad addresses and people who moved show up as voting by mail.
Have you had any cooperation from officials?
Is anyone following up on this?
None so far
If you send me junk mail with first class postage, I mark it “return to sender” and put it in outgoing mail.