Kris Jurski
Kris Jurski is an entrepreneur who helps scale organizations. He troubleshoots security, financial and operational issues and then builds systems to fix them.
While looking at the 2020 election, one of the most startling discoveries was people who sold their homes and moved out of state were still voting from their Florida residences.
So he created The People’s Audit to help Florida citizens check who is voting from their homes. That system has since grown to monitor millions of voters statewide for anomalies on a monthly basis.
Kris was appointed to the State Wide Committee for Voter Integrity at Florida Republican Assembly in September 2022.
We The People
Help Restore “We The People”
Kris had a unique set of circumstances that led him to act in this crucial moment. As a first generation American, he was born in the US to two LEGAL Polish immigrants who escaped the ravages to communism.
As a teenager he traveled to then Communist Poland and was shocked by how cruel it was. This drove his curiosity to understand why all the counties invaded by Germany in WWII, Poland was not granted it’s freedom after the war.
Feeling grateful for being born in the US, he joined the Air Force to serve his country. At the same time the Berlin Wall fell, and his family still in Poland got their freedom.
He met a Venezuelean woman who he married. And as fate would have it, as he watched his Polish family regain their freedoms, he watched as his wife’s country was systemically destoyed…all because of a stolen election.
After waking up the day after the 2020 election, he knew he had to act.
A Powerful Story
Kris Speaks at the 2023 NFRA Presidential Preference Conference
The Message
What Does Kris Speak About?
Election Integrity
The Red Belly Rd Story changed the way we looked at the voter rolls. Kris has decades of experiences verifying mailing addresses as well as finding fraud and waste in companies.
Socialism & Communism
Because of his Polish & Venzuelean families, Kris saw the evils of these systems and worse how they ruthlessly and systematically infiltrate countries. The strategy used is horrific, but you have to be aware of it.
Leadership & Courage
Kris is an introvert who avoided the public speaking as long as he could. But he felt moved to speak out publically about what he saw in the elections in both the US and Venezuela.
“The People’s Audit is the most simple, proven means of identifying real change in voter rolls and forcing accountability on all elections officials. Integrity of the voter roll is the foundation of trustworthy elections, and Kris Jurski’s model is the best in the field.”
“Kris Jurski has given up four years of his life to address the voter roll issues in key states in his efforts to prevent a stolen election in 2024. He’s developed an excellent system for identifying voter roll issues which is now in use in an increasing number of states. “
“Kris Jurski and “The People’s Audit” have been leaders in exposing massive corruption concerning computer manipulation of our voter rolls.
But Jurski’s work doesn’t stop there. His technology background has provided him with tools to clean up defective processes, identify fraudulent information associated with the voter rolls, and the ability restore a degree of confidence in a broken system. I have worked with the nation’s top experts across the country, and I count Kris Jurski and “The People’s Audit” among the best of the best in the field of election integrity.”
The State derives its just powers only from the consent of the governed
Thomas Jefferson
We The People